A beautiful period home in the heart of Bendigo in need of some love and attention has become an eclectic blend of period style, Japanese influences and a gallery for a collection of excentric antiques. The house appears as a single level when viewed from the street with only the insertion of a contemporary carport hinting to what lies beyond. The fall of the land allows for the home to expand into a 2-story dwelling at the rear with a new entry sequence stepping down the site with a cascading landscape following every step. A simple entry box presents on arrival and leads the visitor into a jewelry box of the client’s collections. The home is one that offers a surprise around every corner, an entertainers home at its heart. The crafted joinery and warm natural textures provide a sense of playfulness and warmth. The upper level provides the contrast, beautifully restored and a celebration of the original homes character. Simple detailing, more akin to the gallery spaces to allow the art and antiques to shine. It is also the bedroom level and kids spaces with expansive views and plenty of natural light. Externally the architectural forms are simple, clad in charred timber with large glazed elements.